Foibles and fancies
Here's a few characteristics about me:
- Getting older – into my 70th year now (2015).
- Staying pretty fit – vO2 max still appreciable
- Working out 4-6 times a week plus cycling here and there
- I used to love surfing (Malibou board – never too good and getting too old for heavy surf) skiing, and snow boarding. Carving well, bumps OK. Gained BASI level 2 Alpine skiing instructor qualification April 2008. Managed to do 45 days of ski instructing since qualifying but my knee aches at the end of the day – so this has gone by the board.
- I'd (almost) sell my soul to dedicate the rest of my life to these three sports
- Would enjoy getting back into rock climbing – no easy local access to suitable hills
- Just qualified as paraglider pilot (2005); have purchased the gear; what an elegant adventure! But, my knee is now saying "No".
- Golf is the new obsession. You'd expect it to be easy, wouldn't you? The challenge that brings embraces the fun.
- Married happily to Olwen since 1971
- Two sons and one daughter
- One son, 42yrs old (2015), with Down's syndrome – good fun and a social lubricant
- We have a well bonded family unit
- Did take ballroom and Latin dancing lessons – OK now but we're not competition winners
- Getting deafer – noise induced high tone loss – so speak up in noisy surroundings
- Gardening is hard work and avoided as much as possible
- I hate small run of the mill tasks but, after some initial (static) inertia, I turn into a dynamo on major DIY projects (dynamic inertia)
- Always ready for white knuckle stuff – but I do assess the risk
- Forgetful and absent minded – went to visit my sisters (Wolverhampton) in my teens. Arrived and realised that I hadn't thought of bringing or knowing an address! This sort of vagueness persists.
- Favourite foods – nuts, mangos, fruit – a vegephil not a carniphobe
- I love singing harmony – now into about 30th year in Church choir – baritone, not a good voice but a good sense of harmony (I think) and great fun
- My animal would like to take me seriously but my intellect won't let it get away with it
- Manners are cloaking devices to hide our animal origin (little wonder Darwin had difficulty in convincing many of us): I mostly conform